Biog – D. Brandish

W.Bro. Dennis Brandish (1902 – 1989) 

W.Bro.Dennis Brandish was a Trinity man through and through, devoting all his considerable masonic energies to the Lodge, and not becoming a member of any other craft lodge or other masonic order. 

In private life he was a successful and respected joint owner and executive company director of the family garage business of W.Brandish and Sons Ltd of Raglan Street Coventry, with its main General Motors/Vauxhall agency.

W.Bro.Dennis was initiated into Trinity Lodge on 1st March 1934 and attained the Chair in 1948. His expertise in the ritual was acknowledged and appreciated and, with others, he was jealous to preserve our unique ceremonies. He was responsible, along with W.Bro.Ben Hiorns and W.Bro. Bob Heatley, for defining Trinity Working and producing in 1951 the first book of ritual, none having been previously printed.

It was he who personally typed out the agreed draft with two fingers, as the work progressed; and he would then take it over to the printers in Rugby and supervise the printing. He also financed the initial production costs out of his own pocket, until he was reimbursed from subsequent sales. 

In 1951 his enthusiasm revived the Trinity Lodge of Instruction, dormant since 1939, and he remained Preceptor from April1951 until February 1960.

He was Director of Ceremonies from February 1950 to December 1957, thus being able to ensure, with his severe attention to detail, that the highest standards were maintained and there was no departure from the established practice and tradition.

His term of office included the successful 200th Anniversary Celebration.

For a considerable period he provided the Trinity Brethren at his own expense every four or five years with a much appreciated printed booklet which listed the names and addresses of members and other useful information about the Lodge. 

He supported  the Royal Masonic Hospital generously for many years, becoming a Life Governor and a Grand Patron.

On 1st March 1984 he was presented with a 50 year certificate in the Lodge by W. Bro.Donald Icke Asst. P.G.M.and was deservedly promoted to P.Prov. S.G.W.. In May 1985 he presented on behalf of the Lodge a gift to his friend W.Bro.Walter Keene on his 50th anniversary, which was a very poignant occasion for him, but sadly this was his last attendance at the Lodge as serious illness prevented any further visit.