Trinity Lodge 254

Making Good Men Better Since 1755

An image of the lodge logo showing the banner of Trinity Lodge no 254


Charity and Service

Charity is one of the great principles on which Freemasonry rests. Trinity Lodge has received several legacies over its decades of existence, and these have been invested to provide income for distribution to charities. During the last six years Trinity Lodge, supported by its Benevolent Fund income, have donated a total of over £80,000 to charitable causes, mostly in and around Coventry and Warwickshire. 

Our members also volunteer their time and skills to help various charities, religious and voluntary organisations in their spare time.


Nationally, The Masonic Charitable Foundation is the main charitable organisation of Freemasons and is funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families. The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF)  is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country and aims to build better lives by enabling opportunity, advancing healthcare & education and promoting independence.

In Warwickshire, the Provincial Charities have recently been merged into one new charity “The Warwickshire Freemasons Charitable Foundation”. This has been done to create a charity which is more efficient, effective and flexible, with core objectives of supporting:

  • Freemasons, their families and their dependents and
  • Non-masonic charities operating within Warwickshire
And locally, Trinity Lodge in Coventry also raises its own funds to mainly support smaller local charities. Blessed by numerous legacies from our members over many decades, the investments of the Trinity Lodge Benevolent Fund generate income to also enable donations to these charities.

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