Trinity Lodge 254

Making Good Men Better Since 1755

An image of the lodge logo showing the banner of Trinity Lodge no 254

Worshipful Masters Message

As Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge No 254, and on behalf of its membership, it is my privilege to welcome you to our web site.

Amongst these pages, visitors will find a wealth of information about Trinity Lodge, our long History, and an insight into Freemasonry in general. This ancient Lodge, with its unique traditions and customs, enjoys an active involvement in Charity fund raising and supporting the local Community. 

As brothers in an ancient and honourable fraternity, we pride ourselves in being men of good character, tolerance, compassion and benevolence. Our fraternity maintains high standards for itself as a whole and in keeping with our traditions. Current Freemasons, as well as those petitioning for membership, can expect to be held to high standards as well.

Now in its 262nd year, Trinity Lodge is an integral part of the historical tapestry of our city. Our greatest strengths lie, not only in our own membership, but also with our strong ties with Freemasons from other Warwickshire Lodges and beyond.

We welcome inquiries from aspiring Freemasons, as well as existing Freemasons who have moved to the area. The greatest compliments we receive are a petition for membership or from a  Freemason wishing to visit.

Worshipful Master – W. Bro. David Sanders

Please note: We cannot guarantee that any link or feed from this site has been approved by the United Grand Lodge of England or the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire. Neither can we guarantee that any subsequent link from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of the United Grand Lodge of England or the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire.