Trinity Lodge 254

Making Good Men Better Since 1755

An image of the lodge logo showing the banner of Trinity Lodge no 254

250th Anniversary of The Lodge

The Festival – 3rd December 2005

The great day finally arrived. Expectations were huge and the adrenalin was flowing. From 9.30 a.m. waves of Trinity Brethren began to descend on Stirling Road, firstly with the equipment from Coventry to be set up in the Temple and then with the menu cards and the blue boxes containing the firing glass gifts for attendees to be set out next to the splendid blue and gold floral arrangements and the candlesticks with blue candles on the dining tables for the festive board.

The main Temple looked resplendent with the four blue Coventry pedestals and the magnificent Trinity Chair in centre stage. Our Banner was also prominent on its stand raised above a wooden pedestal to the rear left of the Chair. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro David Joyce, arrived, small in stature but with his beaming red face exuding outward confidence.

The acting Grand Director of Ceremonies, V.W.Bro Tom Caplin P.G.SwdB, came early to supervise, and he ‘had his little list’; whilst the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro Nigel Bister, was running around frantically to ensure that everything within his control was in order. In fact the only small problem encountered was the lack of a key for our own working tools box; but Bro Joyce dashed to a local locksmith and rescued the situation.

At 2.00 p.m. V.W.Bro Caplin ( a past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies) organised a rehearsal in the Temple of the entry and exit processions. The Lodge Stewards, assisted by a large contingent from Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No 9253 (one of our daughter Lodges) in their wonderful red aprons, took up their duties as car park marshals, penthouse suite bartenders, reception ushers, lobby stewards and escorts to the changing rooms and to the main temple. Other Stewards laid out the place names in the dining area next to the gifts and menu cards

The Installation Meeting commenced at 4.00 p.m. with 234 Brethren present. The W.M. received and welcomed deputations from Lodge ‘Trinity’ Trinity No 885 (S.C.) Edinburgh, Lodge Burns Immortal No 1730 (S.C.) Hamilton and the Atholl Lodges, the latter being represented by their Association Secretary W.Bro Paul Gardner and their Archivist W.Bro Ray Sheppard.

Also present was W.Bro Don MacLean of Mount Calvary Preceptory ‘D’, a conclave of Knights Templars originally founded before 1785 within Antients Lodge No 43, which later as a Moderns Lodge became known as Trinity Lodge.

The W.M. then instructed all present to remove their gloves, referred to the taking of official photographs immediately after the ceremony, and requested all taxpaying Brethren to use the gift aid envelopes.

V.W.Bro Victor Keene, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and a Past Master of the Lodge, was then offered the gavel and as Presiding Officer he opened the Lodge. After appropriate salutes and approval of the minutes the gavel was returned to Bro Joyce and V.W.Bro Caplin was allowed in to announce that the A.G.M. desired to be admitted. He was escorted in procession into the Lodge by the following distinguished Brethren:

R.W.Bro Timothy R.Richards Prov.G.M. (Cheshire)
R.W.Bro R. Smallwood Prov.G.M. (Herefordshire)
R.W.Bro Barry Hall Prov.G.M. (Northants & Hunts)
R.W.Bro H.B. Smith P.Prov.G.M. (Northants & Hunts)
V.W.Bro David Manners P.Dep Prov. G.M.(Northants & Hunts)
V.W.Bro Richard V.Wallis P.Dep Prov. G.M.(Warwickshire) (M.E.Grand Superintendent) R.W.Bro Robert Scott Tait P.Prov.G.M. (Edinburgh) S.C.

The Lodge was further honoured in the Temple by the presence of three of our own Assistant Provincial Grand Masters – W.Bro David Rawlins P.S.G.D. (Dep Prov.G.M. designate), W.Bro David W. Old P.S.G.D. and W.Bro Rodney Pitham P.S,G.D.. V.W.Bro. Richard Wallis P.G.SwdB., a Past Deputy P.G.M. for Warwickshire and the current M.E.Grand Superintendent, was also in attendance.

The A.G.M. was offered the gavel which he refused and the Worshipful Master, W.Bro David Joyce, proceeded with the ceremony and installed the R.W.Bro Michael J.Price C.B.E., the Provincial Grand Master, into the chair of Trinity Lodge in a superb and exemplary fashion and in accordance with the extended workings of the Board of Installed Masters, and with the assistance of other Past Masters of the Lodge who took part. The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers.

Officers of the Lodge appointed At the 250th Anniversary Meeting of the Lodge:

Worshipful Master – Michael J.Price C.B.E.
Senior Warden – Roy Palin
Junior Warden – Andrew Conkleton
Chaplain – Anthony V.N.Richards
Treasurer – Peter Amery
Secretary – Christopher J.D.Jones
Director of Ceremonies – Martin J.Harban
Almoner – Timothy P.J.Goddin
Charity Steward – David J.Evans
Senior Deacon – F.David Handford
Junior Deacon – John Wish
Assistant Director of Ceremonies – Glyn Walters
Assistant Secretary – David J.Wish
Inner Guard – Mark J.C.Goddin
Steward – James R.J.Goddin
Steward – Gurdeep S.Sohal
Steward – Terence W.Jones
Steward – Roy Matthews
Steward – Alan Hill
Steward – William Green
Tyler – Stephen Kingman
Immediate Past Master – David R. Joyce
Organist (Hon.) – Geoffrey W. Lea

The A.G.M. gave the Address to the Master in a wonderfully relaxed manner and the proceedings progressed in usual form (but with a charity collection in the Lodge) until after the Risings when the W.M. presented the P.G.M. with a beautifully crafted decanter in a wooden holder, the latter having been specially designed and made by the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro David Joyce.

The Worshipful Master, in his capacity of Provincial Grand Master, then appointed and promoted from the floor four Trinity Brethren as follows:

Bro Ian King P Prov, G.StdB
W.Bro Stuart Leist P.Prov. S.G.W.
W.Bro Peter Amery P.Prov S.G.W.
W.Bro Walter Hope P.Prov S.G.W.

Another surprise was when the delegation from Lodge ‘Trinity’ Trinity presented the Lodge with a beautiful silver quaich drinking cup, suitably inscribed; and the A.G..M. with a bottle of best Scotch Whisky.

The Lodge was then closed at 7.15 p.m. and the A.G.M. and the W.M. processed out together under the direction of V.W.Bro Caplin.


Trinity Brethren 46 Visitors 188

Charity Collection:

£1108.40 (Donated to 2012 Appeal) (net of tax recovery)

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