Trinity Lodge 254

Making Good Men Better Since 1755

An image of the lodge logo showing the banner of Trinity Lodge no 254

Current Officers

Worshipful Master – Bro. D. Sanders PM

Senior Warden – Bro. J. Mishtenko

Junior Warden – Bro. M.  Trevelyan

Chaplain – Bro. Rev. N. Leggett

Treasurer – Bro. D. Handford, PM PProvGReg

Secretary – Bro. C. Jones, PM PProvJGW

Director of Ceremonies – Bro. W. Watson, PM PProvGSwdB

Almoner – Bro. S. Reed, PM  PProvJGD

Charity Steward – Bro. W. Watson, PM PProvGSwdB

Membership Officer – Bro. M. Hickin, PM PProvJGW

Mentor – Bro. D. Joyce, PM PProvJGW

Senior Deacon – Bro. R. Dattani

Junior Deacon – Bro. D. Lodhia

Assistant Director of Ceremonies – Bro. M. Goddin, PM PProvJGD

Organist – Bro. D. Handford, PM PProvGReg

Assistant Secretary – Bro. T. Hambling

Inner Guard – Bro. I. Mishtenko

Steward (Senior) – Bro. A. Carver

Steward – Bro. K. Sandhu

Steward – Bro. A. Blacker

Steward – Bro. D. Austin

Steward – Bro. P. Sullivan

Tyler – Bro. Martin Harban, PM PProvJGW (obit)

Immediate Past Master – Bro G. Lea PM PProvJGW

(it is a long tradition of Trinity Lodge that all members are listed as “Bro” – with those who have been Master of a lodge having the suffix “PM” for “Past Master” after their name, rather than the prefix W.Bro.   Just another old tradition we are proud of!)

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